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Organising Your Office

Organising your office can be a challenge and keeping it clean is a hassle, especially when the office is filled with people. Having a cleaner and more organised office will increase the productivity of employees. Office cleaning in Essex will optimise the workplace and pristinely clean your work environment.

Having a clean work area will clear your mind resulting in you thinking more rationally and having an improved work performance.

Listed below are a few ways that you can keep your work area clean.


Label Maker

Label makers are seriously underrated office appliances. They allow you to make a label for anything and place it on that item. In an office, there are a vast amount of areas that could require a label maker, this including things such as folders, drawers and boxes. By knowing what is in each of your folders or drawers, it will optimise your work time as you won’t have to spend ages looking around for something.   


File Your Paperwork Systematically

Filing paperwork is one of the worst tasks you can do in your job due to it being boring and unprogressive. Not only is it boring but if not done properly it can result in files being mixed up or files being lost/destroyed. To avoid this set aside a day each week to put all your paperwork away. Doing this will make more room on your desk and make your work easier.

The best ways to file paperwork is by using coloured tabs and putting it in an order such as alphabetical or numerical.   


Clear and Organise Your Desktop

Desks are a saving grace at work. Everything you need can be put on your desk and in the drawers, however, as practical as this may seem, it isn’t! Drinks and food may be spilt on files and computers may be damaged or broken. The best system is to have as little on your desk as possible. The essentials would be the computer, the phone, relevant files and a few items of stationery (but only the stationery you use on a daily basis).

Not in the Essex area? Not to worry! We have a team in London who offer the same exceptional standards. Office cleaning in London will clean your office and will enhance the working environment.

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